A calculation column ( CALC) in a column definition supports complex calculations, and can include the +, -, *, and /operators, along with IF/THEN/ELSEstatements. Additionally, a calculation column can refer to any other column, including subsequent columns. The formula can be up to 1024 characters long.
To express the calculation result as a percentage, use a special format mask.
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The results of calculation formulas do not include the values in nonprinting column ranges. For example, A:Dwill print zero, whereas A+B+ Cfor nonprinting values will calculate the value. |
Operators in calculation
To add, subtract, multiply, or divide columns, type the column letters in the order of computation, and then use the appropriate operator to separate each column letter. The following table explains the operators that you can use in a calculation column:
Operator |
Example calculation |
Description |
+ |
A+C |
Add the amount in column A to the amount in column C. |
: |
A:C A:C-D |
Add a range of consecutive columns. For example, the formula A:Cadds the sum of columns A through C, and the formula A:C-Dadds the sums of columns A through C, and then subtracts the amount in column D. |
- |
A-C |
Subtract the amount in column A from the amount in column C.
* |
A*C |
Multiply column A by column C. |
/ |
A/C |
Divide the amount in column A by the amount in column C. |
Use a calculation formula in a
column definition
In Report Designer, open the column definition to modify.
In a CALCcolumn, type a formula in the Formulacell.
Complex calculations
A complex calculation can contain any combination of cell references, operators, values, and levels of nested parentheses.
For example, to compute the average of columns Aand B, use the calculation formula of ((A+B)/2).